The US Navy was given a court go-ahead Friday to continue using sonar technology that scientists have linked to mass die-offs of whales.
Why did the US Navy wins a round in whale sonar case when scientists have linked to mass die-offs of whales?
The very thing that is killing us ALL off (at least in the realm of our country's sovereignty AND personal freedoms) --- National Security -- the very ticket that is giving the Federal government the leverage to do absolutely ANYTHNG that they choose to do -- no matter what the far reaching implications !!!
The court system has become a part of the overall problem for they have opted to be a part of the power play and forgotten their role as a seperate and independent "balance" within the overall system !! They ARE party TO the absolute madness and can no longer be trusted to unhold ANY significant "check" to the insanity that is going on !!!!
When it comes to their full scale assault on the world at large --- the US NAVY as well as the government of the USA has but one word to give
Damn the torpedos --- full speed ahead !!!
Reply:The court is appointed by the Bush administration. Do you really believe they would not disregard evidences and oppose whatever Bush tell them to do? Did they prevent the invasion of Iraq under false pretenses?
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