Could the VTec shooting be linked to the Saturday Night Live Short where the actors play out a sequence where they shoot everybody on sight? Could the gunman been influenced in anyway?
Could the Virginia Tech Shootings be linked to the Saturday Night Live shooting video?
You whatch way to much TV to be linking fake things to tragedies.
If you just saw a fake shooting video on SNL then went out the next day to kill over 32 people? Ludicrous
Reply:I'm sure someone will link the two events, but lets be honest! This guy KNEW what he was doing! It's noone's fault but his own!
Reply:Be a True Democrat and blame the gun, or what ever it was that he used. Yeah, that's it, the guns did it all. No, wait, it was a video, tv shows..damn, surely he couldn't have just been a madman or something.
Reply:I think not considering the only similarity is a gun
Reply:I doubt it, How could you blame SNL for something like that, it's the shooter's fault no one elses.
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