Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Using .HTACCESS to embed ad-code above images which are linked directly?

Here's a stumper... hopefully someone can offer some insight for me. I have an image hosting service; by default, the script that I bought tells users to link directly to their uploaded images.



- not -


I know how to change the way it works so it would point to an image processing script, but that would not fix the 15,000+ images that are already being directly linked to... so, what I need to know is how I can embed HTML code both above and below an individual image file. So I MUST use .HTACCESS and PHP.

It seems doable, although I don't know enough about .HTACESS to pull it off on my own. I'm 99% there, that is, I have been able to redirect from the actual image to a PHP file which retrieves the requested image - but when I output the HTML code it simply shows a broken image in place of the actual image.

Hope that was all clear enough... anything is appreciated. Thanks!

Using .HTACCESS to embed ad-code above images which are linked directly?
You can have PHP reprocess the image and display it with a watermark.

The PHP would be something like this; the code below assumes all your files are JPGs, and there will be a querystring variable named file to identify the image to display.


header('Content-type image/jpeg');

$name = $_GET['file'];

$path = "/path/to/image/directory/";

$img = imagecreatefromjpeg($path . $name);

if(!is_file( $img)) {

die('no such image');


$imginfo = getimagesize($img);

$y = $imginfo[0]; //horizontal size

$x= $imginfo[1]; //vertical size

$x -= 50; // offset watermark 50 pixels from right margin

$y -= 20; // offset watermark 20 pixels from bottom

$white = imagecolorallocate($im, 255, 255, 255);

$text = "MyImage Server";

$font = "arial.ttf"; // font to use for watermark; must be a font on the Web server

imagettftext($img, 20, 0, $x, $y, $white, $font, $text); //stamp watermark




sensitive teeth

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