Has anyone found a difinitive link between www.1-18-08.com ( which is obviously from the trailer before Transformers) and www.EthanHaaswasright.com ( which every seems to assume is also related). I want to know who figured out that the two are linked. And if you are into this as much as I am, check out www.Ethanhaaswaswrong.blogspot.com. And no, I am not trying to plug that site. I am just trying to get more info.
Ethan Haas was right and 1-18-08 linked?
J.J. Abrams sent a letter to Ain't It Cool News which declares that www.1-18-08.com is one of the official sites, implying there are more yet to be found. It also states that this movie has nothing to do with any of the Ethan Haas sites
Reply:I really don't think so because when you do to the website www.ethahaaswasright.com, you work out these puzzles but, when you figure out the puzzles you get a video and it nothing to do with the movie. So i think maybe paramount threw tis website out just to throw us off because it's really an attetion graber and it makes you totally get confused.
Reply:There is a connection at this website: parasitemovie.com
Reply:I can't see how they are related. I will say it is peculiar that two incredibly mysterious phenomenon happened around the same time. I think perhaps the reason people assume they are related is because of the seeming destruction of the city as you get further along in the game. The end of the world theme is also related (as far as we know bc this Abrams things is pretty speculative at this point).
Reply:The only known link between the two things are that both the videos from ethanhaaswasright.com and the Cloverfield trailer are both being yanked from Youtube by request of Paramount Pictures. Parasitemovie.com is most likely a fake by another website trying to cash on the buzz about the movie. But the only link we have now is the link between both of them having videos on Youtube being yanked by request of Paramount Pictures.
Reply:yeah i think its about 50-50, honestly by playing the game i dont see anything related to the movie. One thing though when you see NYC getting destroyed on the trailer, in the site the city gets distroyed as well when you progress on the game and the city in the backgorund kind of looks like NYC. You know this is just an observation though.
Reply:There is a connection at this website: parasitemovie.com
Reply:This site details the links
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if you've completed ethan haas was right, you'll know more information is due soon...
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