Thursday, August 19, 2010

Anyone else afraid of porous surfaces? (WARNING: Seriously disturbing photos linked)?

Does anyone else have a fear of porous surfaces? I am seriously terrified of them... It's my only phobia. I think it all started when I saw this frog at a museum:

(Warning, seriously disturbing picture...)

It carries its eggs in little holes in its BACK... the one in the museum just had the dried up holes, not the eggs as in the above picture.

And then it worsened when some horrible EVIL person linked me the following picture. I vomited when I first saw this, and to this day it's the most horrifying image I have ever seen in my life...

Now tell me, if you didn't already have a fear of porous surfaces, do you have one now? How about after you imagine all the skin on your body having little half inch holes in it, little pockets, just too small for you to stick a pinkie finger in...

Ok, I think I'm going to throw up now...

Anyone else afraid of porous surfaces? (WARNING: Seriously disturbing photos linked)?
Now that was just plain nasty. Little kids might get sick seeing this stuff. Shame on you.
Reply:Pottery - Terra cotta - does that qualify as a porous surface? My daughter has a friend who cannot be around pottery! no kidding.
Reply:no, that ain't disyurbing, i think it's cool!
Reply:Nope, still not scared. The second picture it totally fake. I can tell it was redone, the editing job sucks.
Reply:It's Mr. Yuck! he was part of a safety campaign. Apparently, small children find the skull-and-crossbones poison symbol interesting, so they invented the Mr. Yuck stickers to try to warn small kids away from poisons and cleaners. The 'pores' are probably just some flaw in scanning.

Ah, I see now.... Yes, that is disturbing.

"only in this case it isn't just the explanation that's fabricated; the image is a phony one created through digital manipulation as well."

Hmmmm, I'm not sure what you can do for this phobia. The only thing I can think of is systematic desensitization.

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