The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that global warming is linked to the increase in greenhouse gas levels in the atmosphere. Give a reason for taking this statement and others by the IPCC much more seriously than the views of any individual scientist. (2 marks)
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that global warming is linked to the increase?
Because large groups of people are very good at finding errors by individual members.
And the IPCC is far better able to digest and analyze the huge database around global warming than any single individual.
Science has been a matter of large groups instead of individual brilliance for a long time. The databases tend to be more than any one person can cope with. Mathematics is pretty much the last place for the individual genius.
The same is true in business. Modern management theory emphasizes that groups are capable of far more than any individual member. It's proven fact.
That may not please some people or seem romantic, but it's reality today.
Reply:Their consensus seems to be a consensus of people who share certain common beliefs. They don't let people who are openly sceptical join.
Just this year, they've gone a long way to stopping rediculous claims like the warming between 1910 and 1940 was caused by human activity. This warming along with the medieval warming period appears to be mainly natural, so I wonder why they're so sure that this time it's human made.
Reply:Isn't IPCC statement backed up by the numbers %26amp; scientific data just as any individual scientist who has been working in that field for a long time??
Reply:I can't think of one. The IPCC is not a credible source. They are a political action group.
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