Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Considering all of the scares with autism being linked to the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), What did you?

do when it came around to get their vaccination? My son just turned 1 year 4 months, and now he is scheduled to get them on the 17th of april. Im very concerned and I don't know what to do. I have gotten all of his vaccinations up tot his point, but this is the very scary one, because they have had reasons to believe this specific shot may be linked to autism. Is it true there are two type of the shot available? What did you do personally with your baby? I don't know because as I see it, its the type of situation where "Your damned if you do, and damned if you don't." I'm supposed to be the one overseeing his safety, and right now I feel so guilty because I don't know which decision is the best. I really really don't know. Any help and support is grealty appreciated. This is my first child, and we are learning so much as he grows. I love him so much, I don't want him to be hurt.. Thank you for your time parents!

Considering all of the scares with autism being linked to the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella), What did you?
This is a decision only you can make -but you need the best information you can get before you make it. You have 17 days to research the pros and cons of the combined MMR and whether the individual shots are available separately . You can also research the pros and cons of delayed vaccination in which vaccines are generally delayed until after age 2 or sometimes 3.

Because there are not many large, well conducted studies on vaccination (if you read the patient insert for them you will find some shocking studies based on 20 people or less) there is not enough information for me to make a recommendation to anyone else. Personally I am doing delayed selective vaccination, if I can ever decide which vaccines are worth the risk - the autism link has almost nothing to do with my decision. But that's what works for my family

If you aren't comfortable by the 14th of April call and delay your appointment. You can't undo it but you can go in and get the vaccinations whenever you want.

However I would specifically point out that Rubella is the most useless vaccine out there -particularly for a boy. Rubella has an almost 0 complication rate except in pregnant women it can effect the fetus. Given that your son will never be pregnant that's not a concern. Even among girls 85% of girls developed immunity before pregnancy -meaning they never needed the vaccine. The 15% that don't could be vaccinated as adults. As it stands now most adult women never get the appropriate boosters so they are at risk of developing rubella during pregnancy. The complication rates from the rubella vaccine increase with age including arthritis like symptoms which can last years.




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Reply:He, I have been worried about this, too. My son is 9 mos though and has had all of his vaccinations. I just learned that you can now get the MMR without the ingredients/preservatives that are supposedly linked to autism. Sometimes your dr. has to special order it, but it can be done. That is what I plan for our next visit. It may cost a little extra, but I know it will put me at ease. You can also get one shot at a time, just by scheduling with your doctor. That way they aren't overloaded with the vaccinations.

edit- as for the chicken pox, I opted out of that one because I feel it is completely useless. Everyone I know has gotten chicken pox even after having the shot. I also think about the genetics of my husband and I- we had very mild cases of chicken pox so, we believe our son will be the exact same way.
Reply:You listen to your inter voice. My son had reactions to the first shots. When it come time for that one I said NO. They doctor tried to talk me into it. I stood my ground. My sister-in-law had the same problem. They don't have to have them to go to school the doctor can write a note to be put in their school records. THere is links to MMR shot and Autism. Ophray had a specail on it. Chekc out her website the info may still be there. Good Luck and Listen to your inter voice.
Reply:I am pretty welled versed in Autism and am active in awarness programs, as my cousin is a severe case - he is 5 and is still not potty trained nor can he speak. Autism occurs in children who have never been given this shot. And it can be noted at 6 months of age. Children have to have all their shots in order to attend school. So, what do you do? Home school them and take a chance they never get Measles Mumps or Rubella, which can be deadly, or take the chance on the shot? Tough call. I got the shot.


Reply:Just to be on the safe side, we are having my daughters shots broken up. You can have just the vax for mumps one month, just the vax for measles later and same with rubella. If you are concerned about the MMR, talk with your ped about ordering the shots separately. It may cost a bit, but if it puts your mind at ease its worth it.
Reply:There is no real link between the shots and autism. They are however finding that there might be a genetic link. All three of my children have received all of their vaccines and are healthy and happy and really fun loving. Hope this helps.
Reply:I got my thriving baby boy the MMR and he rapidly declined into full blown autism. It happens thousands of times a year. It can happen to you. Your child is 800 times more likely to develop autism than be injured by the measles.

Statisically you are only "damned" if you do. Unless you live in central africa or another 3rd world hell hole.

You can learn of a safer vaccine schedule at this site. http://www.generationrescue.org/

News Review from Harvard Medical School -

MMRV Vaccine No Longer Preferred

Health officials no longer prefer a four-vaccine combination called MMRV (measles, mumps, rubella, varicella) over the MMR vaccine and a separate varicella (chicken pox) shot. Fever-related seizures are seen more often in children who receive MMRV instead of the two separate shots. The change was published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on March 14.

8 January 2008 by Boyd Haley, Professor of Chemistry, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

As expected by science, extensive searching for a genetic cause of autism has not turned up a significant find that would explain the recent increased rate in autism. The latest genetic find, at best, might explain 0.5% of autism causation. Most agree that a genetic predisposition is likely (like those that lead to low glutathione levels), but that a toxic exposure is absolutely needed. Consider also, that this increased toxic exposure would have had to occur in all 50 states at about the same time as all states have reported similar increases in autism rates. Only something like the government recommended vaccine program fits this need for a time dependent, uniform exposure of a toxin throughout all the states.

study up.
Reply:Well, my mum asked her doctor whether she should give the jab and he said no, so none of us 4 children had it.

We are talking between 30 and 25 years ago though.

We did get all the illnesses though, mumps is particularly uncomfortable (cant eat really)..

I saw a documentary on it a few years ago and they came to the conclusion that there wasn't any real evidence that the 2 are linked..

If you are unsure then you shouldnt go through with it.

What does your doctor say?
Reply:Its true that there is no link between thimerisol (the agent that contains mercury in the vaccines) and autism. To my knowledge, the vaccines do not contain thimerisol anymore.

Its funny you should ask this. My nephew is autistic %26amp; my sister and I were discussing vaccines the other day. He was fully vaccinated as a baby. She tells me that she believes that a genetic abnormality caused his autism, but she thinks that the vaccines did nothing to help it.

So I don't know. Its definitely a personal decision. I know of many moms who decide to delay vaccines or break them up.

I never thougth twice about having my son vaccinated. To me, the benefits far outweigh the risk, and so he's had all of his shots.

Its a very personal decision, though, and if you have concerns, by all means, discuss them with your baby's ped %26amp; see what you feel most comfortable doing for him.
Reply:Your child can have 3 separate vaccines if you are worried. You may have to pay for this.
Reply:There is no link that has been demonstrated between autism and vaccines. Most of those who do believe there is a link also believe that their child was genetically predisposed to autism and the vaccines triggered it. The rates of autism do not significantly differ between vaccinated and unvaccinated children...so even if you believe that the vaccines trigger the onset of autism if you are genetically prone, there are obviously other triggers or unvaccinated children would not be autistic. If you are predisposed to it, it doesn't appear that simply not vaccinating is going to prevent the onset. it doesn't make sense to have a generation of unvaccinated children based on a theory...it actually isn't even a theory as there is no evidence suggesting it is true, it is a hypothesis...we're opening the door for deadly illnesses to begin making their appearances again. Children don't die from autism, but they do die from disease.
Reply:Considering that there is really no link between autism and vaccines, my children are immunized. Being that the illnesses that vaccines are meant to prevent are can be very serious, I keep my kids safe by keeping them healthy.


Continue to keep up with your son's shots so that he stays healthy.

Someone mentioned the chicken pox shot. Not all kids get it after getting the shot, and if they do, it's a more mild form of the chicken pox. Keep in mind that chicken pox isn't as innocent as many are led to believe. It can have serious complications. A friend of mine sadly lost a child due to the chicken pox.
Reply:You can postpone them or break them up into three different sets.

All three are live virus vacs and there for I am planning on at least splitting them up. I'd rather my daughter only deal with one live virus at a time thank you. It's a catch 22 because those disesase can be fatal, so the vacs are required for peace of mind, but then it arises the worry of Autism. The govt is still saying there is no link, but I disagree personally. Your doctor may try to convince you to give all three at once so LO doesn't have to deal with it three different times, but I honestly feel it's worth it, and I HATE letting my daughter get stuck!!!

Also, it's probably about time for your LO to be getting offered the Chicken Pox Vac. I also disagree with that one, bc children CAN still get the Chicken Pox after the immunization, and I'd prefer to not give anything that isn't neccessary. Just another thought!! Good luck with the decision!
Reply:There have been several recent studies on the link between vaccinations and autism. All of them have shown no linkage. The most telling monitored areas where thimerosal (the preservative which is what people feel causes autism) has been eliminated. There has been no change in autism rates in these areas.

Measles, mumps and rubella are terrible diseases. However, hardly anyone in the US has experienced them because the vaccines have been extremely effective. This makes it hard for us to appreciate how risky it is not be vaccinated. The small risk from the vaccines is much, much less than the risk of having these diseases.

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