Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How can resperation and fat / being obese be linked?

Okay so i know my question is kinda unclear but please help!

I am writing a study - "who is to blame for obesity" as a homework assignment, part of it says -

"explain the process of respiration, metabolic rate and fat storage"

iv covered metabolic rate and fat storage, but i dont know what to write for resperation, i know what it is but how is it linked to metabolic rate and fat storage?

please help!

How can resperation and fat / being obese be linked?
Part of it is that fat stores in different pockets on the body, like abs, butt, etc but aso surrounds the heart and lungs. If you constrict these organs too much, breathing and circulation are affected.

You also have to deal with the extra weight everywhere you go. In some respects it is like carrying sandbags with you, making your lungs and heart work harder just to do ordinary things. While it may seem like exercise, it is more a question of overwork and undue stress when you are obese.

This can often lead to sedentary living which lowers metabolism.

If you are talking about the metabolic process itself, you need to know the connection between oxygen exchange and fat burning...being that our bodies are literally just giant furnaces. making it appropriate that calories from food are actually measurements of heat. Every fire needs oxygen or it goes out and this process is no different. I'm not sure of the details.

Having a high metabolism is actually when your furnace is extremely inefficient...meaning that it wastes fuel instead of conserving it as fat. You want that, in fact, eventually when your metabolism is really up there, your body is in a perpetual state of burning fuel. As you know from your own home, it is a lot worse for the energy bills to turn your heat OFF and have to re-warm the whole house, it wastes a lot of fuel. For someone who is overweight, that's a good thing. Having a high metabolism is like running the furnace full blast with a window open...no fuel left over to be stored as body fat.

Anyway. The large muscle groups are the main agents of fat burning, where most of the chemical reactions of food to energy take place. This is why a person who does strength training and cardio/aerobic activity is in such a good position to lose weight. Strength training to develop muscles so more fuel can be burned off, and aerobics to keep that oxygen flowing so the fire can stay alive and continue to burn fat.
Reply:well since it's homework i'd suggest actually researching it

but fat squishes against your lungs and other veins and things so they can't get blood or ar around and fat slows your metabolic rate because fat takes longer to turn into energy and makes you feel lathargic.

sensitive teeth

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